Frances thanks Mama Bear's Day Nursery for sponsoring her gorilla, and Burges Salmon who bought him at The Auction on 29 September 2011 for £6 500. I think he has gone to a good home!

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Growing red

Two-tone Bert

Feet apart

After surgery
To make the pyjamas closer in colour to my original design and to the ceramic model, which is being made, I added another coat of a more transparent red.  The dusky pink looked soft and brush-cottony, but the slightly deeper red, although not so even, still looks like red pyjama fabric...if not quite so soft.


  1. Frances glad to see Bert is taking shape, he's looking great, hope the painting goes well for the rest of the week.

  2. Looking great so far Frances! Can't wait to see him finished!!

  3. Thanks, Mary. Neither can I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing how physically challenging painting a gorilla can be.

    Why did I choose a design that involves drawing over knees and under armpits???????????????
